Archive for Flickr

So Pretty!

Posted in Knitting, LYS, Patterns, Pictures, Ravelry, Stash, Uncategorized, Whatever Else, yarn with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 25, 2008 by yarnoverheels

I found this in my stash today as I was adding to my online stash at Ravelry. Good thing I really like it! I have a ton of it. With no specifc project in mind. I am more of a wool knitter or natural fibers. I love the jewel tones. If you have any idea’s for this beautiful ribbon please, feel free to comment. It was so pretty at the LYS I could not help myself. I have a bit if a knitters block right now. I mostly knit for my little girl. I picked this out to make something for her.
I just joined a group called Stash and Burn on Ravelry. Yes, you need a Ravelry membership right now to join that group. That group after reading posts there has inspired me to start logging my stash on Ravelry in my notebook there. I did not start to realize what a valuable tool this could be until starting to add the yarn. What a task though. I guess I am kinda finding it can be a slow task. I wish there was some kind of option to share photo’s of yarn, instead of taking all the pictures and loading them myself. I think that is what takes the most time. I’d be willing to share my photo’s I am taking to help people down the road. It’s nice to have them loaded on Ravelry. Yet at the same time I don’t want to take the space up on my computer or keep a lot of stash yarn pictured on my Flickr. I been at this all morning. I just want to knit! So, I am gonna take a Ravelry break and work on my Booties.